10 Minute Chakra Meditation

10 Minute Chakra Meditation Overview

In this blog post we introduce the 10 Minute Chakra Meditation. We will first give a basic overview of each chakra and some general instructions, then provide each of the seven 10 minute chakra meditations for each individual chakra. Please read the overview and instructions first, then proceed with doing the meditations!

Chakra meditation is a powerful practice that involves focusing on and balancing the energy centers known as chakras within the body. The concept of chakras originates from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, and it is believed that these spinning wheels of energy regulate various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By practicing chakra meditation, you can align these energy centers, leading to a more harmonious and balanced life.

To begin your chakra meditation journey, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down in a relaxed position. You may want to use a cushion or yoga mat to support your posture. Dim the lights, if possible, and create an atmosphere that promotes tranquility and introspection.

Start by taking a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Allow yourself to let go of any external distractions and turn your attention inward.

Before delving into the meditation itself, it’s helpful to set a positive intention for your practice. Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve through chakra meditation. This could be a desire for greater self-awareness, emotional healing, spiritual growth, or overall well-being. Your intention will guide your focus and energy throughout the meditation.

Now, turn your attention to the seven main chakras, each associated with a specific area of the body, a unique color, and various qualities. Let’s explore each chakra in more detail:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Location: At the base of the spine, near the coccyx. Color: Deep red. Qualities: Represents our foundation, stability, and connection to the earth. It governs survival instincts, security, and the feeling of being grounded.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Location: In the lower abdomen, just below the navel. Color: Warm orange. Qualities: Relates to creativity, sensuality, and emotional expression. It governs pleasure, passion, and the ability to experience joy.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Location: In the upper abdomen, around the diaphragm. Color: Bright yellow. Qualities: Concerned with personal power, self-confidence, and willpower. It governs our ability to assert ourselves and make decisions.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Location: At the center of the chest. Color: Radiant green. Qualities: Represents love, compassion, and emotional balance. It governs our ability to give and receive love openly and unconditionally.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Location: In the throat region. Color: Soothing blue. Qualities: Relates to communication, self-expression, and truth. It governs our ability to express ourselves authentically and speak our inner truths.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Location: Between the eyebrows, slightly above the bridge of the nose. Color: Indigo or deep blue. Qualities: Represents intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. It governs our ability to see beyond the material world and perceive the deeper truths.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Location: At the top of the head. Color: Violet or pure white. Qualities: Relates to spirituality, connection to the divine, and higher consciousness. It governs our sense of oneness and spiritual awareness.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with each chakra, it’s time to begin the meditation process. Follow these steps:

  1. Body Scan: Start by bringing your awareness to your physical body. Scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension, discomfort, or tightness. As you breathe, imagine a warm, healing light bathing those areas, releasing any negative energy.
  2. Chakra Activation: Begin with the Root Chakra. Visualize a vibrant red, spinning wheel of light at the base of your spine. With each breath, imagine this chakra becoming more open and balanced. As you breathe out, release any fears or insecurities.
  3. Moving Up: Gradually move your focus up through each chakra. Spend a few minutes with each one, acknowledging its unique color, qualities, and associated affirmations. Allow the energy to flow freely, cleansing and aligning each chakra as you progress.
  4. Breath and Affirmations: With each chakra, synchronize your breathwork with positive affirmations related to that specific energy center. For instance, for the Heart Chakra, you may say or think, “I am open to love, and love flows through me effortlessly.”
  5. Intuition and Sensations: As you focus on each chakra, pay attention to any intuitive insights or sensations that arise. You might feel warmth, tingling, or a sense of expansion at a particular chakra, indicating its responsiveness to your meditation.
  6. Chakra Cleansing: If you encounter any blockages or areas of tension during the meditation, imagine the light of the chakra becoming more potent, purifying and healing the specific area. Allow any emotional or energetic blockages to dissolve and be released.
  7. Balance and Harmony: As you move through all the chakras, visualize your entire energy system coming into perfect balance and harmony. Feel the interconnectedness of these energy centers and the seamless flow of energy throughout your body.
  8. Closing: Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and express gratitude for the experience and the insights gained during your chakra meditation.

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Root Chakra

10 Minute Root Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color red around you… Imagine breathing in clean, red energy. As you breathe in this red energy, let it swirl around the area of your root chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Sacral Chakra

10 Minute Sacral Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color orange around you… Imagine breathing in clean, orange energy. As you breathe in this orange energy, let it swirl around the area of your sacral chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Solar Plexus Chakra

10 Minute Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color yellow around you… Imagine breathing in clean, yellow energy. As you breathe in this yellow energy, let it swirl around the area of your solar plexus chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Heart Chakra

10 Minute Heart Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color green around you… Imagine breathing in clean, green energy. As you breathe in this green energy, let it swirl around the area of your heart chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Throat Chakra

10 Minute Throat Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color blue around you… Imagine breathing in clean, blue energy. As you breathe in this blue energy, let it swirl around the area of your throat chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Third Eye Chakra

10 Minute Third Eye Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color indigo around you… Imagine breathing in clean, indigo energy. As you breathe in this indigo energy, let it swirl around the area of your third eye chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!

10 Minute Chakra Meditation – Crown Chakra

10 Minute Crown Chakra Meditation Instructions:

Sit or lay down in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Headphones are recommended for this meditation due to the use of binaural beats technology included in the music. (This isn’t a hard requirement, but will help you get the most out of this!)

Temporarily suspend all thoughts and distractions and simply let the healing music engulf you.

Try to engage your senses as you do the meditation!

With you eyes closed, imagine seeing the color violet around you… Imagine breathing in clean, violet energy. As you breathe in this violet energy, let it swirl around the area of your crown chakra.

Intend to “Feel” the energy and that it be pure healing energy; you may feel an actual physical sensation in the chakra, or it could be just an imaginary or intuitive feeling. Whatever works for you is perfectly fine. You can also imagine the chakra itself spinning as you focus and place your intent on it.

Continue breathing and focusing. For best results, do this meditation as often as possible!

This meditation is 10 minutes long. Enjoy!


Chakra meditation is a skill that may take time and practice to master fully. Be patient with yourself and remember that each meditation session is unique. Over time, you may notice positive changes in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being as you align and balance your chakras.

Feel free to do each of these as needed for each individual chakra, or give yourself the time to go through one by one, starting with the root chakra and working your way up!